Reconnecting with a friend

I had a very good thing happen to me a few weeks ago.  After 15 years or so I reconnected with a very good friend- I don't know why or how we ever lost touch, but somehow we both moved enough times to lose track of what the other was doing.  My friend, Madhvi Subrahmanian, and I met while we were both graduate students in very small programs at schools in Dallas, Texas.  Madhvi was studying with Peter Beasecker at Southern Methodist University, while I was completing my degree at the University of Dallas.  Between the 2 schools we had 3 grad students in clay/ceramics.  This was both to our advantage as well as you might imagine.  We sometimes got together and fired the wood kiln, or gave each other critiques of new work...most of the time we were supportive friends giving advice or encouragement.  When we graduated we also had the good fortune of sharing a rental house while we attended the summer program at Alfred University.  Our main instructors were Val Cushing and Marilyn Lysohir (who has an amazing article in the newest Ceramics Monthly about her most recent exhibition, "Good Girls 1968").  For 6 weeks we lived in the lovely, small town of Alfred, NY.  We rented the "house with the hand"- a nice house on the edge of town that had once had a big, beautiful elm tree shading it's front lawn.  When the Elm blight killed off many/most of the large trees, the owner of the house had the enormous trunk carved into a giant arm and hand, complete with wrist watch!  It was quite the mile marker-easy to give directions.  The 6 weeks were magical- we were able to completely immerse ourselves in glaze classes and in developing our work....
After that time, I lost track of Madhvi until just a few weeks ago when I googled her to see if I could locate her.  To my happy surprise I found a gallery in Singapore where she was getting ready to mount a solo exhibition- I wrote to the gallery and received an excited reply from my dear friend.  A few days later I received a file showcasing the amazing show.  It is called "Organic/Abstract" at Gallery Chemould-
I encourage everyone to view this wonderful show....



  1. Where's the beef?????? making pots or what????


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